Acupuncture Points Quiz app for iPhone and iPad
"Acupuncture Points Quiz" is a quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of chinese traditional medicine and human anatomy. It may be used for testing and educational purposes for people well-informed about the acupuncture and anatomy. Game consists of illustrated questions from this chinese traditional medicine area. You need to guess the name of the acupuncture point shown in the question picture.
- support of all 361 traditional points;
- custom selection of points for game by meridians;
- saved results of all complete games (total/by meridians).
Each question has 4 possible answers. When you tap one of the answers, the default color of the pressed button is changed for a while to green (when it was the right answer) or to red (wrong answer). You have 3 attempts to give right answer. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point. Play the "Acupuncture Points Quiz" now to test and improve your knowledge of the acupuncture points!
Pros and cons of Acupuncture Points Quiz app for iPhone and iPad
Acupuncture Points Quiz app good for
Great app to test your knowledge of point’s location! Recommend to any student. Good value for the price!
Simple and easy to use. Use other apps if you want to for studying, then come back to this one to test yourself. Also good for reviewing when youre waiting for a bus or an appt. How about an app like this for microacupuncture, eg scalp, hand, face auricular etc.
3 Oct 2010 Developer, Have you abandoned us? Are you listening to your user family? Please provide some updates. For example, besides correcting the inaccuracies that others have mentioned, can you add a feature that keeps track of the users score or that keeps track of the number of right and wrong answers for each meridian? This would make it much more useful for students. I like it anyway, but would love it if you gave it these updates. BTW, Ive used in on my iPod Touch, my iPad, and now on my iPhone 4. Its a nice little app. But please dont abandon your family of users. We are the ones who will keep buying your apps if we feel like youre listening to us.
Some bad moments
The points are not précise. And it would be better in PinYin.
Its a quiz. Bad graphic. Does not describe points. Absolutely NOT worth the money!!!
Please bring back the original anatomical pictures!! The update is a waste of money with those horrible pictures!
Nice idea but many of the locations are off and others are difficult to tell where the pins are pointing. Many of the points on the abdomen are off, for example SP 21 is not in the armpit the way it looks, and ST 25 should be level with the umbilicus.